Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blogging Break....

Well, it is spring break here like it probably is everywhere. I am going to be on a blogging break for the next week. Mike is taking off work and we have a friend visiting from NC. She was one of our students at WellSpring and is now in college. She wanted to come visit for her spring break. It was her first flight etc... really fun that she is here. Our girls are totally in love with her. It is so cute how someone new really adds some excitement to our house. Church was amazing this morning and a message that I totally recommend listening to sometime. A pastor at our church spoke on pain and suffering. His son was diagnosed with leukemia last summer while his wife was pregnant with their fourth child. His son is only four years old. He really spoke well on what to do with our pain and just when we don't get what God is doing in the midst of it. He did an amazing job and I know it related to everyone in the room in some sort of way. I don't think it is up yet on the web, but will be by tomorrow. Check out:
I hope you all can reflect on this passion week about the incredible hope we have in Jesus!

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