Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storm 09

I am still waiting for this big ice storm that is supposed to hit us anytime now. We got out of preschool early which was nice, but there is still no ice. We mainly got out cause many of the teachers live pretty far away from school. I think Texas is the worst on people going crazy. NC was pretty funny as well, but there were many northerners that were used to it.  Anyone from seminary remember our big ice storm? ha! What a fun memory. So I guess I will stay glued to winter weather coverage all day. It does get pretty amazing watching there coverage. Many out of state people have heard of Dallas and all the loops/bridges that go around the city. We have one about a mile from our house called the "High Five" where there are 5 loops/ bridges that intersect. It is crazy, but they always show cars slipping all over it. I don't like driving on it when it is dry so I think I will stay home for the day. I'll keep  you posted if our "extreme weather" ever gets to us.....


Stephanie said...

I love to hear what you "Southerners" are all stressed out over :) Nothing shuts down faster here than when ice is a threat. It's the only weather that worries Minnesotans :) Glad you're staying in, but I'll be curious to watch if it actually gets to you or not! I totally remember the seminary ice storm and the AMAZING disaster the drive home commute was! That was embarrassing though, it was handled so, so poorly!

amy said...

i SOOO remember the infamous ice storm... the first one, when we all lived in flaherty and lost power and lived at the mcmurray's apt because it was soooo cold and our building was for some odd reason days behind the rest of the farm in getting power. and i remember eating dinner with you and mike that first night by candlelight as mike grilled whatever we found in the freezer that would inevitably spoil since the power was off soooo long.

and then the 2nd storm when i had just found out i was pregnant with Abby and got stuck on the beltline for 9 hours trying to get home from work... i had to pee soooooo bad!!! :)

hope your experience is MUCH better!!! :)

Amy H said...

I agree! And I was so bummed that Bible study for tomorrow morning was cancelled. I'm sure that there really are accidents happening and that it's better not to be out, but people here really do freak out (the news coverage is the worst!)

The Via Colony said...

Ah yes, the seminary ice storm. That was CRAZY. People stuck in traffic for HOURS while other were stuck sleeping in their offices overnight because of the craziness outside. That was insane. I hope you get a LITTLE excitement=)