Sunday, October 19, 2008


I was going to get some mommy opinions on if at any point after the first year you felt like your kids schedules started to change? Ellie is a little over 3 and takes a nap 3-4 days a week. On those days she goes to bed at 8:30 or so. If she does not take a nap then she goes to bed at 7:30. I'm wondering how long I should expect her to nap? I know that no matter what she will have quiet time in her room for at least an hour. Anna is the one who is changing like crazy. It seems like all summer she would take these crazy 3-4 hour naps in the afternoon. She still takes a good nap, but it is more like 2 hours. It really is not long enough for her cause instead of waking up at 4:30-5:00. She wakes up at 3:30 or 4 and is really cranky. Tonight, I put her to bed at 6:45 and she was totally ready. She hasn't made it past 7:30 this entire week. I don't know whether to try and go back to her old schedule in which she went to bed later or just work with this new one and let her go to bed by 7:00. Ellie doesn't have meltdowns no matter what amount of sleep she gets which is really nice. Anna is like her mama she needs her sleep!


The "W" Family said...

hey holly, i tried to add you guys to our blog but i need your address. Do you mind emailing me?

The Via Colony said...

I would try putting her down for a nap a little later. That way you KNOW she is ready to sleep, and sleep well. It seems that if I put my kids down too early then they take FOREVER to get to sleep and then wake up early. Doesn't make sense at all. Anyway, It seems like Ellie doesn't need as much sleep and they say they cut out naps anytime between 3 and 5. She may be on the front end of that timeline. Yeah, for roomtime! Rainy still takes a nap, but a couple of times a week she just has "rest time" where I let her play with a few select toys on her sleeping bag in the playroom. This gives her an option to sleep if she wants, which she did last week. She fell asleep 45 min. into her "rest" time.
That's what works for us anyway=)

Katrina said...

My nephew is almost 4 and he still takes a nap every day and goes to bed by 8:00 or so.

amy said...

we're in the same boat... abby still takes an afternoon nap, but doesn't seem to be sleeping as long so i've pushed naptime back. bedtime is still 8pm, regardless of naps (although she's still getting up early... 6:30 now instead of 5:30 though). josiah takes a great morning nap from 9-12 but NO afternoon nap.... even if he sleeps less in the morning he won't take much of an afternoon nap. but he's out cold by 6pm and up whenever he hears his sister. i wish i had some good advice, but i don't! :( however, is doing a special week on sleep routines, so you may get some insight there! :)