Saturday, July 31, 2010

A photo shoot in Kansas..

A couple of weeks ago we drove up to Lawrence to visit Mike's family. It was a great time and one morning since we were all clean I thought it would be great to attempt a family picture! I love the way they turned out as in everyone is looking at the camera. When you have 3 kids under 5 it is quite the feat. We love going to Lawrence and seeing grandparents. Our girls are so blessed with fabulous grandparents! Some fun things we did was go to the indoor pool, park, sno cones, grocery store, church, and seeing KU (Rock Chalk Jayhawk). A highlight was getting to hear MiMi play the bells on campus. She has taken lessons and now climbs to the top of the high bell tower to play. It is right by the football field and the girls are still talking about MiMi climbing the spiral staircase to play the bells. It was such a fun trip and great to get out of hot Texas!