Well, we have been here a little over a week and it seems like I have all these thoughts always running through my head. However, I have these two little girls who like to run alot as well. Mike is at church tonight and my sweet Anna has a fever so we stayed home. I think she probably caught something at church this morning and I didn't want her to give it to other babies tonight. She only has a fever, but is acting so sad. She has no energy and we had to go for a drive and a walk just to make it to bedtime without her being fussy the whole time. Ellie is watching "Franklin" which happens to be her favorite character this week. My friend Steph just blogged about just going through the motions lately and not really living each day to the fullest. I think about this often as for me most days are the same. Although, lately they've been crazy with unpacking, cleaning, etc... However, Mike and I are always talking about what we want our week to look like and sometimes we follow through with it, but often times we keep going through the motions. I know that God has called us to so much more. We are now in a new place with awesome opportunities. We know that God has called us to be here and are excited to see His plan unfold for us and our girls. It is funny cause a couple of years ago I told Mike the one place I never wanted to live was Texas. I think I didn't like the size of it and the weather etc... and wouldn't you know that is exactly where we are now. I think I like it here. It is as hot as I imagined, but it doesn't seem so big. I've yet to get on an interstate or go past our church. I still go to my normal places like the bank, Super Target, and the park.
Today, in church I was blown away by the message that we heard. Last week our pastor shared that a man named Lee Strobel would be the guest speaker next week. We've heard of Lee becuase of the book he wrote "The Case for Christ". However, we didn't known much about his story or why he wrote the book. He grew up in Chicago and was an editor for the Chicago Tribune. He was an Atheist and married to an Agnostic lady. He said he was very hostile to anyone of faith, but at the same time was living a life of destruction. He was an alcoholic and said he believed just about anything was okay. His wife met a friend and started going to church etc... She became a Christian and he said when she told him she was now a follower of Jesus it was his worst nightmare. After, a few years he eventually went to church with his wife and daughter. They attended Willow Creek church and he said after leaving he knew he had to investigate Christianity. He began a two year search of almost every aspect of Christianity and following Jesus. He interviewed religious scholars who were both conservative and liberal. He spoke with archaeologists, medical professionals, psychologists etc... He said he tried to convince himself that Jesus was not the only way to God and the whole thing was a big myth. However, one day after two years of study and personal examination he could not deny Christ anymore. He became a Christian and has gone on from there to tell of his story from being an atheist to a follower of God. His story is much more indepth and I think I will check out his book.
Anyways, it was an awesome second Sunday at Watermark. We are truly blessed and still cannot believe we are here sometimes in a place that is truly centered around the gospel. I am so thankful that Ellie and Anna will grow up in a church like Watermark. Ellie is really growing up and her new favorite thing to do is sing. She is learning lots of new songs and we do it alot in the car to help pass time. She loves "Shane and Shane" and their new cd. She always tells me again after their song "We love you Jesus". I recommend this song to all my friends with toddlers. Well, those are some random thoughts from Texas and I hope you all have a great Monday. May we all live with purpose!