Monday, June 18, 2007

Pool Time???

Well, this morning I realized that it is almost July and we have yet to make it to the YMCA pool. We have been gone quite a bit in June and the weather last week was not good. Today, it is supposed to be 97 degrees. So after an hour or so of getting both kids ready we are in the car! I know that I cannot handle both kids so I check Anna into the YMCA playhouse(glorified childcare). I get there and Ellie is screaming cause she wants to go play in there with Anna. I'm thinking I did all this work to get us both in swimsuits, sunscreen, towels, extra clothes, toys etc... We are going to the pool. So we get there and Ellie is more interested in walking around the pool and maybe getting her feet in sometimes. We did this for about 30 minutes and went into the indoor toddler pool. She liked this much better which was encouraging and was actually kind of sad when it was time to go pick up Anna. We go into the family locker room to change clothes. I wouldn't have done this, but we had a few errands to do for awhile. I'm changing clothes and Ellie has her hand in the YMCA toilet. It is so gross cause there are on average probably 2,000 kids that go there everyday during the summer. She also almost throws my swimsuit in the toilet. We go to get Anna and once again Ellie is really upset about not getting to go into the playhouse. I decided next time I think I'll pay the $4 and go lay by the pool without the kids. She seems to like the indoor world more than outside these days. Anyways, I just had to laugh and share my time at the pool. We'll try it again sometime soon, but I might take Mike with me next time. The only good thing is that the pool induces an extremely long nap. Enjoy your day in the sun!

1 comment:

The Oakes said...

its so comforting to know that someone else lives in my world as well, wether it be hands in the toilet or just being okay with taking your kids somewhere for childcare when the only reason you really need it is for some sanity! im right there whith you, in fact he had his hands in the toilet today. miss ya holly!